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Institute of Information Systems
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Master IIS
Students starting before the winter term 2018/19
Students starting before the winter term 2018/19
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Master IIS
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IIS Self Service
Students starting before the winter term 2018/19
Customized Introduction to IIS (20 ECTS)
Management I
Foundations of international management I
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Foundations of international management II
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Management II
Digital Transformation Project
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Informatics I
Choose IntroCS if and only if you have not attempted the AuD exercise/exam yet
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
(WS, 10 ECTS)
Introduction to Computer Science
(WS, 10 ECTS)
Informatics II
Choose option 1 and (2 or 3)
Konzeptionelle Modellierung
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Praktische Softwaretechnik
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Foreign Language Skills (5 ECTS)
Foreign Language Skills
Choose one of the following options
Choose one 5 ECTS Course from FAU Sprachenzentrum
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Choose two 2.5 ECTS Courses from FAU Sprachenzentrum
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
IIS Management (30 ECTS)
Core Courses (15 ECTS)
Innovation and Value Creation I
Innovation and Leadership
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Services, Processes, Intelligence I
Choose one
Business Intelligence
(SS, 5 ECTS)
IT-Management I
Choose one combination
Fundamentals of Enterprise-wide IT Architecture Management + Case study seminar
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Managing global projects and information technology
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Electives (15 ECTS)
Innovation and Value Creation II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Designing Technology
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Organizing for Digital Transformation
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Patenting for Innovation
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Platform strategies
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Service Innovation
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Services, Processes, Intelligence II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Business Intelligence
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Social and web intelligence
(WS, 5 ECTS)
IT-Management II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Electronic Human Resources Management
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Fundamentals of Enterprise-wide IT Architecture Management + Case study seminar
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Managing global projects and information technology
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Extension Courses
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Business Analytics: Case Studies
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Designing Gamified Systems
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Development of Deep Vision Systems
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Digital Change Management
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Enterprise Knowledge Management
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Foundations of Linked Data
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Natural language processing for business analytics
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Praxisseminar: Innovative Versicherungsprodukte
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Process analytics
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Strategische Herausforderungen im Profifußball – Projektseminar mit dem 1. FC Nürnberg e.V.
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Study Abroad Courses
Take up to 15 ECTS at your University abroad
Study Abroad Module
Informatics (30 ECTS)
Core Courses (15 ECTS)
Data Management I
Choose one
eBusiness technologies und Evolutionäre Informationssysteme
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Knowledge Discovery in Databases mit Übung (KDDmUe)
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Software Engineering I
Choose one
Constructive phases of software engineering
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Applied Software Engineering I
Choose one
Analysis and design with UML
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Commercial Open Source Startups
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Lecture & Exercise
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Project
(WS, 5 ECTS)
(WS, 5 ECTS)
The AMOS project – PO-Role
(5 ECTS)
Electives (15 ECTS)
Data Management II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
eBusiness technologies und Evolutionäre Informationssysteme
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Software Engineering II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Constructive phases of software engineering
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Fehlertolerierende Softwarearchitekturen
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Foundations of software engineering and Design patterns and anti-patterns
(SS, 10 ECTS)
Foundations of software engineering and software engineering in practice
(SS, 10 ECTS)
Software reliability
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Softwareentwicklung in Großprojekten
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Test and Analysis Techniques for Software Verification and Validation
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Applied Software Engineering II
Choose up to 15 ECTS
Advanced design and programming
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Analysis and design with UML
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Commercial Open Source Startups
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Lecture & Exercise
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Project
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Software architecture
(SS, 5 ECTS)
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Testen von Softwaresystemen
(SS, 5 ECTS)
The AMOS project – PO-Role
(5 ECTS)
The AMOS project – SD-Role
(10 ECTS)
Extension Courses
Choose up to 15 ECTS
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Datenschutz, Compliance und Elektronische Signaturen
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Deep Learning
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Dienstgüte von Kommunikationssystemen
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Einführung in die IT-Sicherheit
(WS, 5 ECTS)
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Forensische Informatik
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Foundations of Cryptocurrencies
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Human computer interaction
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Human factors in security and privacy
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Information visualization
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Innovationslabor für Wearable und Ubiquitous Computing
(WS & SS, 10 ECTS)
Introduction to Machine Learning
(SS, 5 ECTS)
(SS, 5 ECTS)
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Künstliche Intelligenz I
(WS, 7.5 ECTS)
Künstliche Intelligenz II
(SS, 7.5 ECTS)
Middleware – Cloud computing
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Modellierung, Optimierung und Simulation von Energiesystemen
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Pattern Analysis
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Pattern recognition
(WS, 5 ECTS)
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Scientific Visualization
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Simulation and modeling I
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Simulation and modeling II
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Smart grids und Elektromobilität
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Software-Anwendungen mit KI
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Verteilte Systeme
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Study Abroad Courses
Take up to 15 ECTS at your University abroad
Study Abroad Module
Seminar (5 ECTS)
Choose one
Business analytics: Research seminar
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Designing Information Systems for Behavior Change
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Digitalization of work and life
(SS, 5 ECTS)
Interdisciplinary business seminar
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Internet of things and industrial services seminar
(WS & SS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Lecture & Exercise
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Nailing your thesis – Project
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Research seminar on data management
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Value co-creation
(WS, 5 ECTS)
Master Thesis (30 ECTS)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis (abroad, or via participating Chairs)
(WS & SS, 30 ECTS)