Categories: Program structure Tags: Specific questions regarding program structure and specialization for study start between 2018 and 2020
What is the difference between “Core Courses” and “Electives”?
All IIS-students with study start before 2021 have the differentiation between “Core Courses” and “Electives” as part of their program structure. Core Courses are a (large) subset of courses within the sections “Information Systems” and “Informatics”. You are obliged to complete exactly one Core Course in each section of both Information Systems and Informatics, totaling to a number of six Core Courses. Every Core Course also counts as Elective if you have already completed a Core Course in the respective area. Please make sure that your transcript of records in campo lists exactly one Core Course per area. If you need a module to be shifted between the Core and the Elective section of an area and shifting is in accordance with the program structure, please use the form linked below.
Link to the form: