Categories: Program structure Tags: Specific questions regarding program structure and specialization for study start between 2018 and 2020
Can I also take a course as part of the Studium Generale?
No. Unfortunately, this is only possible for students with a study start in/after 2021.
How can I request my graduation documents, after I have completed my master´s degree in IIS?
Please send the form “Antrag auf Ausstellung der Abschlussdokumente Master” from here to the examination office. Also write in the mail which specialization you would like to have recognized. Please have a look here for more information on the specializations.
How do I proceed if I am ill and want to pause my studies for a certain amount of time?
Please complete this application: and submit it to the student administration. When doing so, please follow these instructions: (English:
How do I proceed if I am pregnant and want to pause my studies for a certain amount of time?
Please complete this application: and submit it to the student administration. When doing so, please follow these instructions: (English:
How can I apply for a semester off (“Urlaubssemester”)?
Please complete this application: and submit it to the student administration. When doing so, please follow these instructions: (English:
How can I de-register from my degree program?
You can submit a request for de-registration in campo.
Where can I download my enrollment certificate?
You can download your enrollment certificate for both the current semester and previous semesters in campo.
What happens if I fail an exam?
If you fail an exam, you are automatically re-registered for the exam the next semester. Please have a look here for more information.