Categories: Exams and campo
How can I transfer achievements from previous studies to my transcript at FAU?
To transfer credits obtained in previous studies to your IIS degree at FAU, you need to do the following:
- Compare your passed modules from your previous university with the IIS module catalogue, which can be found on the program structure page or in the module handbook (the tables at the beginning provide an overview of the program structure).
- Fill in the following three forms:
- à To find the Prüfungsnummer (exam number), you need to look for the respective exam in campo ( A manual is provided here. The numbers next to the green puzzle peace signify module numbers and the ones next to the yellow star are exam numbers.
- Send all documents to Mrs. Ilona Hirscheider at the examination office of FAU WISO: Make sure to use your FAU email address and to mention your full name and matriculation number.
Please note that you can only transfer credits that were not part of your admission requirements for the IIS. In other words, you cannot reuse credits earned during your undergraduate studies that you used to apply for the IIS.