
How can I transfer achievements from previous studies to my transcript at FAU?

To transfer credits obtained in previous studies to your IIS degree at FAU, you need to do the following:

Please note that you can only transfer credits that were not part of your admission requirements for the IIS. In other words, you cannot reuse credits earned during your undergraduate studies that you used to apply for the IIS.

What is the difference between “Core Courses” and “Electives”?

All IIS-students with study start before 2021 have the differentiation between “Core Courses” and “Electives” as part of their program structureCore Courses are a (large) subset of courses within the sections “Information Systems” and “Informatics”. You are obliged to complete exactly one Core Course in each section of both Information Systems and Informatics, totaling to a number of six Core Courses. Every Core Course also counts as Elective if you have already completed a Core Course in the respective area. Please make sure that your transcript of records in campo lists exactly one Core Course per area. If you need a module to be shifted between the Core and the Elective section of an area and shifting is in accordance with the program structure, please use the form linked below.

Link to the form:

Does my program structure also have the differentiation between “Core Courses” and “Electives”?

No, the differentiation between “Core Courses” and “Electives” only affects students with study start before 2021. Please have a look at your program structure for more information.

How do I get my graduation documents after I have received my thesis grade in campo?

Once all your exams (including your thesis) are completed, please send the form “Antrag auf Ausstellung der Abschlussdokumente Master” from here to the examination office. If you would like to have a completed specialization mentioned in your diploma, please mention this when sending the form.

How long will it take to receive my grade after thesis submission?

It can take up to eight weeks after thesis submission until you receive your grade. If you urgently need your degree certificate, please make sure to submit your thesis as early as possible. You can also ask your supervisor to speed up the grading process, but please note that they are not obliged to do so and might lack capacity depending on the number of students they are currently supervising.

Can I write my master thesis in cooperation with an abroad university or company?

Yes, this is possible, but you still need a supervisor at FAU. Please find more information in our going abroad-section and our master thesis-section.

What do I have to consider if I want to write my master thesis at the Technical Faculty?

All professors (and their assistants) who teach at least one course in the “Information Systems” or “Informatics” section of the current IIS program structure are allowed to supervise master theses. Even if you have a supervisor from the Technical Faculty, you need to register your thesis with the Examinations Office at WiSo. If you are asked for a confirmation that you are allowed to have a supervisor from the technical faculty, please contact us.

When am I allowed to register the master thesis?

Please discuss the correct point in time for registering your thesis with your supervisor. From an administrative point of view, you can register your thesis any time as soon as you have found a supervisor. You can already register your thesis even if you have not yet completed all courses. Note that you have to stay enrolled until the day of your thesis submission.

What possibilities exist for going abroad?

You can find more information about “going abroad” here. Please read this information carefully.

What is the procedure for writing my thesis abroad?

Please have a look here for more information.